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What Does The Bride Pay For?

What Does The Bride Pay For?

Traditionally, the bride and her family were responsible for paying for certain expenses associated with a wedding, although these customs have evolved and vary by culture and individual circumstances. Some of the items that the bride or her family may typically pay for include:

  1. Wedding dress and accessories: The bride typically pays for her dress and any associated accessories, such as shoes, veil, and jewelry.
  2. Hair and makeup: The bride may choose to pay for her hair and makeup or may have it included as part of a wedding package.
  3. Bridesmaids’ gifts: It is customary for the bride to give a gift to her bridesmaids as a thank-you for their support during the wedding planning process.
  4. Wedding favors: The bride and groom may provide wedding favors for their guests as a gesture of appreciation.
  5. Personal flowers: The bride may pay for her own bouquet and any corsages or boutonnieres for the wedding party.

It’s worth noting that these customs are not set in stone, and the costs associated with a wedding can vary widely depending on individual preferences and circumstances. Ultimately, it’s up to the couple and their families to decide who will pay for what based on their unique situation and budget.