News & Advice

What Does It Mean When You Rub A Gold Ring On Your Face?

What Does It Mean When You Rub A Gold Ring On Your Face?

Rubbing a gold ring on your face is a common old wives’ tale that is said to indicate the authenticity of the gold. The idea behind this test is that pure gold is a soft metal that will leave a gold streak or mark on your skin when rubbed against it, whereas fake or plated gold will not.

However, this test is not a reliable or accurate way to determine the authenticity of gold. Many factors can impact the color and appearance of the gold, including the purity of the gold, the presence of other metals in the alloy, and any surface treatments or coatings on the gold.

Instead of relying on old wives’ tales or home tests to determine the authenticity of gold, it is recommended to take your gold jewelry to a reputable jeweler or appraiser for testing. These professionals have the expertise and tools necessary to accurately test the purity of the gold and determine its value.